SAMVO Welcomes you
The South African Military Veterans Organisation (SAMVO) previously known as (SAMVOINT) is an international ex-servicemen / women's organisation comprising Military and Police Veterans who were called up or who volunteered to serve their country, South Africa, in the SADF / SANDF, SAP / SAPS, or the South African Correctional Services, and who now reside in and outside of South Africa. There can be no doubt that we proudly served in the best defence force that Africa has ever seen.
This Veteran Organisation dedicates itself, in grateful recognition and memory of their countrymen, the Immortal Dead of South Africa, who, at the call of Duty, made the supreme Sacrifice on the battlefields of Africa, Asia and Europe, on land, at sea and in the air.
- 30 Mar 2025, 9:30 am – 1:30 pmPretoria, Eeufees Rd, Groenkloof 358-Jr, Pretoria, 0027, South Africa
Our dedication, motto and inspiration:
This Veteran Organisation, through its global subordinate organisations, dedicates itself, in grateful recognition and memory of our countrymen, the Immortal Dead of South Africa, who, at the call of duty, made the supreme sacrifice on the battlefields of Africa, Europe and Asia, on land, at sea and in the air. Their ideal our legacy, their sacrifice our inspiration.

Constitution of the International South African Military Veterans Organisation; referred to as SAMVO - 2024
Check your Region & Local Club to see Upcoming Gatherings & Events
Coastal Radio in South Africa recently interviewed SAMVOZA Vice Chairman, Veteran Godfrey Giles, to talk about the matter of unpaid and overdue veterans' benefits in South Africa and what is being done by Veteran Organizations, like the CMVO and SAMVOZA, to address and resolve this problem through the judicial system. Enquiries relating to this matter email
Listen to the interview here:
Sponsorship enables SAMVO to undertake special projects that benefits Veterans and their families.