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Veteran Colin Bowring MMM - SAMVOZA Zone Chairman

Chairman's message to SAMVOZA members

Good day Veterans, You are special – you are a veteran – you are a member of SAMVOZA! this makes you truly special!! Although the world has certainly changed recently - that does not scare us at all. As veterans we are very familiar with "ADAPT OR DIE" situations. It is up to us to make this the best year yet. Doing it together makes it far easier and much more rewarding when we gather our friends and families with us. Unity is truly strength! Welcome to 2022! I don't want to only wish you well but also inspire you all to start planning our way forward, by taking control and striving full steam ahead. Do you remember how great we were years ago? When we used our young bodies to work magic? Imagine what we can achieve by putting our minds together now. What is important to us? What can we tackle together? Here are some suggestions to getting started with: 1. RECOGNITION a. Each veteran and their family’s needs to be recognised for their service. That is why SAMVOZA does not require any fees – you have paid your dues many times over. Let’s recognise the service of those that we served with by inviting them to join us. Most organisations want you to join so that they can charge fees to keep going – not us! We want them to join us so that we can recognise them and thank them for their service. Please spread the word and invite them. We will thank you for recognising your fellow veterans. Also remember to invite spouses who have lost their veterans – they might be very lonely, and a little bit of recognition or connection can make a big difference. Remember their dependents – they too deserve our recognition. b. Another part of recognition is a sense of belonging to a group or family. That is why wearing our family / organisation badges and uniform shows you belong to a group of individuals who stand for and represent similar things. By attending events and function wearing our attire it sends a message. A very strong message. Others know who you are and the service you gave. By wearing the lapel badge on your shirt lapel each time, you go out, it makes a statement! We need to advertise to others who we are, what we experienced and that we are proud of what we accomplished against all odds. c. Finally, wearing your own medals and your father/grandfather’s medals recognising your and their service – these badges of recognition don’t come lightly. It is not something you just acquire or buy, only the old State President and/or current President can bestow these and did. You are special and we want to recognise you for those special services you gave for all of us. 2. REMEMBRANCE a. As only veterans can, we give thanks to those that have fallen while serving for us all. We also give thanks to those that served and survived the battles and then continued to serve in their own ways and have now passed on. We as only veterans can – we REMEMBER them at the going down of the sun and in the morning, in fact, all the time, smells, words and pictures remind us of them! That is why the two-minute silence is so special – one minute for those that returned and the last minute for those that fell. b. As we are scattered all over South Africa and the rest of Africa, let us meet at all services arranged in our local areas. This is the time we can come together to recognise each other and remember those that have gone before. Let's lay a symbol of remembrance at each service – it does not have to be a wreath, it can be a single flower, a cross, a badge, a stone – anything that is handy - it is the act of remembrance that is important. So, we will be asking you to assist us in meeting at all services and send us a photo so that we can recognise you and those with you but making others aware that we wish to recognise them as well. 3. SERVICE a. Service can be a big or small word, but the important thing is the passion you use to do it. Just a WhatsApp or SMS to someone could mean the world to them. Many of our veterans and their dependents are so lonely – friends have gone before them. A phone call to find out how they are could give purpose to their day. Recognising them as a friend and colleague will mean a lot. A visit, take them out for a drive or to the shops or going to a gathering together is true service. b. If you have the time to arrange a social function or a trip to a service – that will be truly appreciated. Here is to us coming together to make this year a great year despite what anyone wants to throw at us – they cannot get us down; we won’t let them! We are SAMVOZA veterans who else! On behalf of our management team, Wendy, Royden and Godfrey – all the best for your endeavours this year, may they be satisfying and fulfilling! Veteran Colin Bowring SAMVOZA Zone Chairman


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