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Are you a former SADF / SANDF, SAP / SAPS / SARP or South African Prison Services member?

Why not join us and complete the registration form for membership to our global organisation
(there are no membership / registration fees, or any ongoing fees)



If your contact details have changed please click this button to update your Membership details 

New Member
  NEW Member Application Form
Select the Time Zone where you currently live

SAMVOA | Australia, New Zealand, Asia (Zone1)

SAMVOZA | South Africa, Namibia, Middle East (Zone 2A)

SAMVOE | Europe, Ireland and the United Kingdon (Zone2B)

SAMVOTA | USA, Canada. Mexico, Caribbean, The Americas (Zone 3)

Select a Membership Type
Contact Details 
Force Details 
How did you find out about SAMVO?

I declare that the details I have provided above are true and correct I understand that providing false or misleading information can result in my application being rejected. I agree to abide by the Rules, Regulations & Bylaws of SAMVO that are currently in force and that may be amended from time to time.

Under the Defence Act, 1903 as amended , it is a federal offence to claim to be returned soldier, sailor or airman, subject to six months' imprisonment and a fine of up to $3300.  Further it is an offence to wear a service decoration to which you are not entitled , attracting additional penalties.

Your information , whether public or private , will not , without your consent, be sold, exchanged, transferred or shared with any other organisation for any reasons other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or requested services.

Allow my contact details to be shared with SAMVO Club,Region,Zone Chairpersons

To ensure your privacy, kindly advise the FaceBook profile name from which we can expect you to apply to join our SAMVO FaceBook page

Thank you for your application, we will be in touch via email .

Types of Membeship


Ordinary Membership

In order to qualify as an Ordinary Member of SAMVO, prospective members need to produce their Force Number, as issued by the SADF/SANDF, SAP/SAPS/SARP or the South African Prisons Service, and provide evidence that they completed at least the Basic Training element of their National Service. These Veterans will be entitled to vote and to hold office, and their continued membership will be assured by their dedication to the ideals of SAMVO and their good standing as a member of their Club

Heritage Membership

In order to qualify as a Heritage Member of SAMVO, prospective members need to have had a parent or grandparent who served South Africa in a military capacity and who has since passed on. They will need to prove this relationship and connection, be 16 years and older, or a dependent / minor child of heritage or ordinary member. Their application will be considered on the basis that they will be the sole representative of that person on SAMVO. Heritage Membership applications will be proposed at Club level and ratified by the Regional Executive. On acceptance, these Veterans will enjoy normal membership and they will be entitled to vote and hold office. Their continued membership will be assured by their dedication to the ideals of SAMVO and their good standing as a member of their Club

Associate Membership

In order to qualify as an Associate Member of SAMVO, prospective members need to have belonged to an allied force or regiment, which served alongside South African Forces at some stage in the military history of South Africa. They will need to prove this association and to produce their Force Number, as issued by their respective Defence Force, and show evidence that they completed at least the Basic Training element of their country’s Military Service. Associate Membership applications will need to be ratified by the Regional Executive and, on acceptance, these Veterans will enjoy normal membership, except they are not entitled to vote or hold office. Their continued membership will be assured by their dedication to the ideals of SAMVO and their good standing as a member of their Club

"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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