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2004 - ANZAC Day, Melbourne Victoria

ANZAC Day, 2004 – Inaugural March of SAMVOA

Melbourne Victoria

Sunday, 25th April, 2004.

The build up to this day was months in the making, with preparation became a bit more rushed towards this day, with most of the time us being unsure as to who would join us on this inaugural march.

Those present were:

  • Helen Addison

  • Steve Addison

  • Mike Black

  • Charlie Griffin

  • Kirsten Macquet

  • Tony Macquet

  • Walter Skilton

  • Deon van den Berg

  • Ras van der Merwe

  • Chris van der Spuy Getting into position

It was a beautiful Sunday morning and the crowds were out in force. This was to be SAMVOA’s first march anywhere in Australia as a South African Military Veteran Organisation. There had been an older group of South African Veterans who had paraded in previous years, but they had fallen away due to old age.

About to step off

At the last moment, we were joined by three of our ex-Rhodesian colleagues, who had come to the parade to find that they were the only ones to pitch out of a usual group of about 25. We were happy that they joined us.

Off we marched to bands in front and bands behind, invariably, not to the same beat.

On the march

We were so well received and there was much applause and we also heard calls of “Go Bokke” from the crowd, so we knew that there were more of us out there.

Walter Skilton and Ras van der Merwe took charge of the two-man banner that we had got manufactured just in time for the day.

Afterwards we retired to the Bells Hotel in South Melbourne for a well-earned beer or two and a very nice meal.

From Left to right: Deon van der Berg, Mike Black, Ras van der Merwe, Chris van der Spuy, Walter Skilton, Steve Addison, Tony Macquet and Kirsten Macquet.


"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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