Toorak RSL Services Club
10th October 2009
Guest of Honour
Veteran John Hanlon
Fourth SAMVOA Formal Mess Dinner
10th October, 2009
Toorak RSL Services Club
Guest of Honour; John and Valmae Hanlon
On Saturday 10th October, 2009, the National Executive of SAMVOA proudly hosted its fourth formal mess dinner at the gracious Toorak Services Club in Melbourne. A club steeped in military history and fine tradition, with very much in keeping with our traditional messes in South Africa.
The ethos was to combine the traditions and splendour of a formal mess dinner, with a few of our own new variations, to form the unique fabric of a SAMVOA formal dinner.
The evening began for the 43 guests with Drinks at 1930H in the Churchill Room with Mike Black, the Mess President presenting the South African Sherry before the call to dinner was made by the Mess Vice President, Adriaan den Dulk. The Guest of Honour and guests were piped into the mess area by our piper, Walter Skilton.
Grace was said and the Host, Veteran Tony Macquet welcomed everyone.
The menu was the same as the previous year, that had gone down so well with those attending. Congratulations to the Venue Coordinator, Mr Callum Kaka. The entrée was Peri-Peri Chicken Salad, followed by a Mains of Karoo Style Baby Racks of Lamb. The Dessert was Cape Brandy Pudding, followed by tea or coffee and other beverages.
During the proceedings, our Mess President welcomed John Hanlon, who had for years been the Chief Staff Officer for the ANZAC Day March in Melbourne. John worked from ANZAC House and had been very good to SAMVOA since our first march in 2004. Mike honoured him as a great Australian Veteran. John responded in a most appropriate way and related some interesting stories of his own.
The Toasts were made:
1. South Africa, the Mother Country, wishing her peace – Mess President.
2. Australia, our new home, may we be worth citizens – Host.
3. Fallen Serviceman and women, “Lest we Forget” – Veteran Cliff Everton.
Veteran Adriaan den Dulk, as Mess Vice President, controlled the evening especially well and, not only was his timings excellent, but he also kept us in order this evening.
Attended by:
Mike and Colleen Black.
Dave Curry
Adriaan and Therese den Dulk
Kevin and Jenny Edwards
Cliff and Josie Everton
Quinton Smit and Lena Gordy
John and Val Hanlon
Heidi Fourie and John Holder
Pam Robbs and Charles Hollaway
Thomas and Suzette Kauffeld
Tony and Dee Macquet
Neva Skilton and Damiel Mulcahy
Ian and Anne McMillan
Alf Naude
David and Aubrecia Nel
Jacques van Niekerk and Suzanne Siritzky
Neels and Ina Nortje
Bob Nott
Garth Pienaar
Gordon Pugh
Alex and Colleen Robertson
Walter and Alex Skilton
Derick and Vanessa Smith
Brent and Debbie van de Stadt
Chairman's Plaque Awards:
Veteran Heidi Fourie MMM - In recognition of her dedication to duty as a member of The Mess Committee and contributing to the success of the 2008 and 2009 SAMVOA National Mess Dinners.
Veteran Aubrey Sonnenburg - Presented as a token of our esteem and in recognition of his dedication to duty in starting and organising the inaugural march of the New South Wales Branch of SAMVOA.
Veteran Kevin Edwards - In recognition of his dedication to duty in starting and organising the SAMVOA Peninsula Club.
Veteran Brent can de Stadt - In recognition of his dedication to duty in arranging for the menus and as a member of The Mess Committee and contributing to the success of the 2008 and 2009 SAMVOA National Mess Dinners.
Veteran Dave Curry JCD - In recognition of his dedication to duty in coordinating contributions from SAMVOA members towards the Wall of Remembrance, which will be sited at the Voortrekker Monument Heritage Site and erected in memory of those fellow members of the SADF who fell during the Border War.
CHAIRMAN'S CUP WINNER : New South Wales Region
SAMVOA BUGLE WINNER : Veteran Garth Pienaar