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2021 - Remembrance Day Commemoration in Cambridge , Waikato , New Zealand, SAMVOA

Facebook post by Chris Pattison 12th November 2021

Normally, we attend the Armistice Commemoration held each year on a Sunday in Cambridge. About ten veterans from the Bay of Plenty and Waikato usually attend this event. Unfortunately, this year due to Covid the event has been severely scaled down, so I attended and laid a wreath at a ceremony held by the Tauranga RSA.

Facebook post by Chris Pattison 13th November 2021

About ten of us attended the Remembrance Day commemoration in Cambridge, Waikato (twinned with Le Quesnoy, which was liberated by Kiwis in WW1). Unfortunately, for the second year the ceremony had to be held indoors. Veterans Kevin Piccione HCS and Sean Froude laid the SAMVOA wreath. Later we adjourned to a local restaurant for lunch and association.


"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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