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2023 - ANZAC DAY - Warragul, Gippsland, Victoria , Australia

Recount by Veteran Tony Macquet MMM


Commemorative Ceremony

Tuesday, April 25th 2023 in Warragul, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia,

ANZAC Day 2023 turned out to be a beautiful autumn day with a temperature around 23 degrees centigrade and the day could not be more effect.

Five of our Warragul SAMVOA Club members attended this function, with Brian Tucker, our original Warragul RSL member opting to support SAMVOA in the Melbourne City parade to the Cenotaph. Dirk was overseas in the USA and those who attended, included Kevin Edwards (Medics), Tony Macquet (Infantry), Tamryn White (Website master), Gavin Jones (Technical Services) and Mark Benson (SA Navy)

The service started with all veteran, civic and schools laying their wreaths, and there must have been 50 wreaths laid altogether, with the SAMVOA wreath being fourth in line. Veterans Gavin Jones and Mark Benson laid the SAMVOA wreath, which they executive perfectly and with precision.

The Last Post was sounded, followed by Reveille and all paid tribute to the fallen.

This was followed by prayers and the singing of “God of our fathers” before the guest speaker, Veteran James Burke, delivered an emotionally charged address. A few tears were shed.

The 2 nd Hymn “O God, our help in ages past, was sung before Alannah Rogalsky , a student from St Paul’s Anglican Grammar, read the ANZAC Requiem.

This was followed by the New Zealand and Australian National Anthems.



"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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