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Battle of Rorkes Drift during the Anglo Zulu War

Facebook post by Karl Brown (22 January 2021)

142 years ago a small garrison of 140 British and Colonial Soldiers took a stand against the might of the Zulu Army 3500-4000 strong,at the Battle of Rorkes Drift during the Anglo Zulu War. This took place at the mission station/ depot and military hospital which had been established on the banks of the Buffalo River. Led by Lt John Chard and Lt Granville Bromhead Both who were among the 11 VC’s awarded to the brave defenders who managed to triumph after 12 hours of fierce fighting against Prince Dabulamanzi KaMpande’s superior numbers -loosing 17 killed and 10 wounded compared to the Zulu losses of about 350 killed and 500 wounded. This occurred a day after the Battle of Isandlwana where 1300 British lay dead and the Zulus lost 2000-3000 and 2000 wounded. When interviewed Chard responded; “ two defeats in two days would have been too much for the British people back home to stomach” Bromhead added “it may upset their appetite at breakfast when they read of it in the papers“

RIP to the brave Soldiers and Zulus in both conflicts.

Legacy of John Chard VC

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Membre inconnu
02 févr. 2022

Very interesting

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