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Joy rides for underprivileged children

SAMVOINT Remote Community Upliftment Program Incorporating SAMVOA, SAMVOZA & SAMVOUSA

Dated: January, 2017

For the past 2 years, SAMVOINT has focused on the “Remote Community Upliftment Program” (RCUP), which differentiates SAMVOINT (SAMVOA, SAMVOZA and SAMVOUSA) from other military veteran organisations, in that this community development program is entirely dependent on applying the skills of our members to the benefit of remote communities.

Just Love is based on the concept and application of Antonov An-2 aircraft in order to support not-for-profit charity and community support initiatives such as lifting the lives of less fortunate, possibly living in remote locations, In this way, our project supports the special wishes of children and adults alike, who have never been up in an aircraft, or those whose dream it is to be able to fly in an aircraft. As a Veteran Organisation, we are in a unique position of having many pilots and aircraft-skilled crew members. In addition, SAMVOINT also has a large number of tradesmen and skilled personnel over many disciplines within our membership.


Colin Bowring – Project Coordinator and Fund Raiser – Johannesburg

Tony Macquet – Project Champion – Melbourne


"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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