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March 2023 - SAMVOA WA 2,4km

Facebook post by Veteran Ben Opperman

Goodbye summer, hello autumn! Just like that, ‘poof!’ summer gone! We endured a month of varied temperatures and this morning in Kings Park was just beautiful! The air was comfortably cool and clean as veterans arrived one after another. It is a long weekend here in Perth so not a big attendance was expected. A few legit excuses for absence were received….duty called for Slade Healy and Andries and Marlize Pretorius were out of town.

Why we do this one might ask? Well, precisely to prevent what happen when fellow veterans march off into the mists of history, here one moment, gone the next. No chance to ask how they were or to have a nice chat or do something together, just gone forever with only memories left and If there are no memories there is nothing……. Lest we forget. In light of that we as veterans need to take time off and spend time together where we get to know each other better and possibly support each other or someone in ways not thought of. We may never know the extent or outcome but who cares….so long someone in need benefitted.

Anyway, many veterans and friend, 14 in all, turned up for the two-comma-4. Those that managed to find their way set off on the dot up Riaan-se-koppie to Tims tower and back down again. Back at the bbq’s the boys quickly settled into prepping their brekkies amidst lots of banter and laughter and wot-not. The magpies were out in force and so everyone had to keep an eye on them sneaky birds lest they try to relieve an unsuspecting veteran of their food. They usually strike as you are about to put the food in your mouth. It happens so fast……no incidents to report on though.

On the group photo in usual order……Joe Bryant, veterans Dave Stevenson, Garth Pienaar, Don Pengelly, Peter Celliers, Ian Higley, Philip Niman, Charl Crous, Dean van Vuuren, Jess van der Nest, Johan Burr-Dixon, Brian Halstead, Troy Hosking and Ben Opperman.

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