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2023 ANZAC DAY Ringwood VIC Dawn Service

Facebook Post by Richard Southey 25th April 2023

Ringwood dawn service this morning. The crowd was requested to turn their mobile's torches on to pay respects to a local Veteran who lost had his life in Afghanistan, his family was present. The MC was also an Afghanistan Veteran.

Needless to say the ceremony was raw with emotion - as the reason why we get together hits home in real time!

Get this, stated at the ceremony over 1,600 Afghan Vets have committed suicide since as they struggled to come to terms with their past. That is roughly the number soldiers we lost in the Border War in total - of which only half were killed in action.

Reach out today to a fellow Vet and just be there for them - be a true friend it might make all the difference. Lest we forget!


"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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