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3rd National Formal Mess Dinner

Toorak RSL Services Club
8th November 2008

(Image from 1st SAMVOA Formal Mess Dinner, Toorak RSL Services Club , 27th May 2006)

Formal Mess Host Veteran Tony Macquet MMM

Formal Mess President Veteran Mike Black

Formal Mess Vice President Veteran Adriaan den Dulk

• Event Coordinator: Veteran Tony Macquet MMM

• Function Coordinator Veteran Heidi Fourie MMM

• Function Attendee Coordinator Veteran Mike Black

• Finance Coordinator Veteran Adriaan den Dulk

• Function Printing Coordinator Veteran Brent van de Stadt

• Function Special Projects Veteran Kevin Edwards

Guest of Honour - Colonel John James (Retd) - Chairman of the Toorak Services Board Retired Colonel, Australian Infantry

Held at the Toorak Serrvice Club, 29 Veterans and their partners attended the 2008 Formal Mess Dinner. The SAMVOA Formal Mess dinner is a formal occasion where the Host (e.g. National Chairman) addresses the members and guests. Attendance at the SAMVOA Mess Dinner is voluntary. Good behaviour and formal, elegant attire are a key element to the Mess Dinner. The mess table is decorated with memorabilia, trophies and treasured articles. The purpose of the display is to increase awareness of glories in by-gone days. Special care must be taken to ensure no harm comes to these items, many of which are irreplaceable. The Mess Dinner executive members include the Host, the Mess President and the Mess Vice-President. The Mess Committee members plan and organise the mess dinner and the Mess Dinner executives present the evening’s events. The Mess President entertains and introduces the Honoured Guest/s. The Honoured Guest/s responds to the introduction by relating to his experiences and is at liberty to praise SAMVOA and its members. Honoured Guest/s may include persons to be honoured for their past contribution, or where social or public obligations exist to entertain. The Mess Vice-President coordinates with the catering staff and assists the Mess President to control the pace of the dinner. Toasts are proposed to South Africa – Our Mother country, Australia – Our adopted country and our Fallen Servicemen and Women, lest we forget. The Host may take advantage of the occasion to present awards, medals and certificates. Light entertainment may be provided at the conclusion of the formalities. The Program on the night: · 19:30 pm Drinks in the Churchill room 20:10 pm · Presentation of the Sherry 20:25 pm · Call to Dinner PROGRAMME DINNER AFTER DINNER 20:30 pm · Grace 20:35 pm Welcome Entrée Main Course Tribute to Honoured Guests Reply from Honoured Guest Dessert Pipe medley by piper Ian McMillian Presentation of the Port Toast to: · South Africa, Mother Country, wishing her peace ·Australia, New Home, may we be worthy citizens · Fallen Servicemen and Women, Lest we Forget Presentations by the Host The Menu: Peri -Peri Chicken Salad: A garden salad topped with peri -peri chicken tenderloins Karoo Style Baby Racks of Lamb Marinated in African spices and char grilled, before being finished off in the oven. Served with baked potatoes and seasonal vegetables. Cape Brandy Pudding With a dollop of fresh cream Coffee & Tea KWV Medium Cream Sherry Beer on tap: Carlton Draught & Cascade Light Allesverlooring Blue Reef Chardonnay Verdelho Blue Reef Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Heroes Club Cabernet Sauvignon Heroes Club Barossa Riesling Orange Juice, Lemonade, Lemon Squash, Coke, Tonic, Soda water, Dry Ginger Ale Members present numbered 29: Mike and Coleen Black, Adriaan den Dulk, David and Angela Curry, Kevin and Jenny Edwards, Cliff and Josie Everton, Heidi Fourie, John and Sally James, Kirsten Macquet, Tony and Dee Macquet, Walter and Alex Skilton, Derick and Venessa Smith Brent, Brent and Debbie van de Stadt, Ras van der Merwe, Lettie van der Vyver, Chris van der Spuy, Jacques van Niekerk and Suzanne Siritzky, Paul and Tania van Dyk and Neil van Wyk.


"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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