Godfrey Giles, SAMVOZA Vice Chairman
7 January 2025
Dear Veteran
There is a possibility that SAMVOZA will be able to make a small monthly grant available via a source of funds.
In order to ascertain how many of our SAMVOZA members might be illegible, we have been requested to so a survey of our members who are turning 75 or older this year.
Please understand that nothing has been finalised, so we certainly do not wish to get your hopes up at all. If you are aware of other veterans that fit these criteria, please forward their information onto us.
Must qualify as a Military Veteran according to the Military Veterans Act
a. served in UDF and or SADF
b. Is a South African Citizen
c. Living in South Africa
Is turning 75 or older this year
If single total monthly income less than R6 000
If married or cohabitating totally monthly income less that R9 000
Needs to be a member of SAMVOZA (can join now as well it is still free of charge)
The Question include .....
Email – that is your email address so that we can get back to you
First names – all of them according to your ID book
ID Number
Force Number
Marital status (married, single or widow)
Total assets and investments (if married for both of you) just the total amount
Total monthly income (if married for both of you) just the total amount
Total monthly expenditure (if married for both of you) just the total amount
Comments – if you wish to make any comments you can do so here.
If you wish to receive a copy of your responses, please move the slide to the right at the bottom of the form.
Then press submit.
We will confirm confirmation that it has been received within a few days. Please remember that this is just a survey and does not in anyway indicate that this will happen, nor that you have been preapproved. Once we have all the details a decision will be made, and we will then inform you of the outcome and the possible future steps if any.
Please complete this soonest so that we can get a decision soonest.
Kind regards
Godfrey Giles - SAMVOZA Vice Chairman &
Colin Bowring - SAMVOZA Chairman