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SAMVOA Military Veteran Museum in Perth, Australia.

Date: Monday, 24 August 2015 Gordon Bold MACS (Snr/Ret)

Introduction: SAMVOINT (SAMVO International) has a desire to set up a formalised museum operation. This possibly has the potential of expanding to the three Zones under the SAMVOINT

However, before this could ever be realised an established formal museum function would need to be in operation. To reach this stage a tremendous amount of work still needs to be done and will always need to be done as work in progress. We have to crawl before we can walk and even then it will be ‘baby steps forward’ before we can really walk and run. There are a number of issues that should be considered carefully before embarking on a plan to establish a museum or series of museums as in our case. The following information is important and may also be a useful checklist for our existing museums.",
At this stage SAMVOA currently have four to five museums in place, depending on how one looks at
it, they being:

WA – Perth is by far the best situated and publicised in our stable.

Victoria - has a museum which is set up in a members Boardrooms, whilst this is commendable it does not really receive the exposure SAMVOA desires.

QLD - Gordon’s collection is basically located at his home, however there are others that have memorabilia and artefact that may be included. The plan is to also set up a display cabinet of sorts to be located in an RSL somewhere in Brisbane or South East Queensland if possible. QLD SAMVOA members are trying to raise money for this project and to have a display cabinet built. The biggest hurdle at the moment is locating an RSL or a suitable venue our biggest problem at the moment is to find and RSL or some suitable venue that is willing enough to allow us to set up a display of sorts. When this comes to fruition it will be more in line with what Perth has.

NSW – have two private collectors apparently each with substantial collections. In reality there are very like a few private collections within all Regions that may be considered as substantial collections and even those not members of SAMVOA. Most of us have some sort of memorabilia and or artefact pertaining to our own experiences and going back as far as the Xhosa Wars, Zulu Wars and Boer Wars, though it be in small quantities.
There are also probably many photographs out there as well as photographers, who have a great collection of photographs.

However, to embark on an exercise of this magnitude which encompasses all Regions of SAMVOA, we need to understand the implications and meaning of what a Museum is really about and are there any alternatives.
Setting up a new museum is challenging but running it can be even more of a challenge if the expected visitors, income or volunteers do not materialise. Undertaking a feasibility study of your plans at an early stage can ensure you avoid this type of unwelcome surprise!
The term ‘museum’ can be used to describe a range of different types of organisations and different types of visitor attractions. A museum will include some important key elements such as:SAMVOINT: SAMVOA, SAMVOZA and SAMVOUSA - Museum Project…",

Date: Monday, 24 August 2015 Gordon Bold MACS (Snr/Ret)
Care of a collection central to what the museum wishes to do.
It should also provide access for the public to its collection(s).
Its governance and planning should be designed with a long-term view, so that it can preserve and share its collection (s) well into the future. In our case our focus is around the military history of South African and Southern Africa, and should cover the following from the South African point of view:
Xhosa Wars (also known as the Frontier wars or Kaffir Wars of which there were nine and sometimes referred to as \"Africa's 100 Years War\");
Gun War (also known as the Basotho War);
Anglo–Zulu War;
First Anglo–Boer War;
Bambatha Rebellion/Uprising (sometimes considered the second Zulu War)"
First World War;
Second World War;",
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Project Gallery

"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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