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Veteran Bruce Nicholson

Club Chairman - Auckland


As Club Chairperson, Bruce is responsible to the Regional Chairperson for the good standing of his Club and its members and for its smooth running and effectiveness.

He will be the official SAMVO Entity representative at functions within the Club district.

South African Infantry from 1981 to 1982. Served in 4 SAI, 8 SAI and 53 Battalion. Joined SAMVOA in April 2014.

Chairman Introduction

Welcome to the Auckland Club.
We are an active club that meet on a regular basis throughout the year.
Our core events include attending ANZAC Day, Boshoed Dag and Remembrance Day. These are complimented with a range of trips to places of interest, military events and importantly the club’s social gatherings.
The club has a core group of members referred to as the ‘dirty dozen’, but we are always on the lookout for new members to join our growing club membership.
Please feel free to reach out and join us.

Chairmans Message
"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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