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Veteran Dave Stevenson

Western Australia Regional Communications Officer


The Regional Communications Officer will act as the marketing officer for the region, and will be responsible for promoting the Region’s activities and raising the profile of the SAMVO Entity and where necessary SAMVOINT.

He/she will be the historian of the Region and ensure correct records of functions and activities at regional level are maintained.

He/she will ensure that noteworthy events are posted on the SAMVOINT Website and/or Face Book.

He/she will liaise with the National Communications Officer, who will have a staff-function to the Regional Officer on any National project.

South African Infantry Corps - Airborne - 1984 to 1991. Joined SAMVOA in July, 2014.

Chairmans Message
"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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