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Veteran Karl Brown JCD

SAMVO International Master-at-Arms

Email :

Veteran Tony Macquet MMM

Executive’s Objective.

As the SAMVO Master-at-Arms, he is the international executive responsible for developing membership policy in terms of drill, dress and discipline, as well as its implementation internationally and he has a staff function to the four Zone Masters-at-Arms.

Should a SAMVO Entity propose some alternative or addition within the scope of the Master-at-Arms, he will research, formulate and propose new or amending policy for consideration by the International Executive.

He will also preside and conclude on any member’s misconduct and corrective action when escalated by a SAMVO Entity to International level.

He will also build relationships outwards to allied formations and host countries and downwards to Club level without disturbing existing line and staff functions.

Karl served in South African Navy from 1979 to 2000. A piper of note, he also served with a number of Highland Regimental bands.

"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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